Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day of School

First Day

This year I didn't get any "first day of school" photos.  My daughter missed her first day of first grade. - she and my husband had both been sick during the night, and I wasn't feeling too hot myself.  This photo is from a couple of years ago - my son's very first day of first grade.  He'd attended a private montessori for kindergarten, so this was also his first day to ride the bus.  It was the first time that we met many of the kids in our neighborhood. 

That look he's giving me is very typical of him.  Despite it being his first day, he didn't seem flustered or nervous about it at all. 

There are many more images on the "School" theme at this week - check'em out.


Rani said...

very sweet shot for the first day of school!

Teachinfourth said...

That look in his eye tells quite the story, doesn't it?

Emily said...

Congrats on 3rd place!!