Monday, September 20, 2010


"Smirk" Photo Challenge
One of my sweeties, handing me flowers and looking like a little rascal.  I had a hard time choosing this photo.  There is another one, shot a moment before or after this one, where the look on his face is very tender, despite the smirk. It's amazing how quickly facial expressions can change, and what a difference it can make in a photo.  The other one's on my wall, but I like them both - they each show a facet of his mischievous, sweet personality. 

There are many great images on this theme to check out at


Leora Sanford said...

awww..the smile was perfect but the flowers melted my heart. :)

Jason W. Cline said...

Very cute! Really like it!

Anonymous said...

I like how the flowers are more in focus than the face. Nice photo, and I can see how he melts your heart!

Raining Crafts & Dogs said...

Awww I love this little smirk!